Make It Count - The How Awesome Was September Edition

After regaling you with my tales of woe I was determined to make September the most awesome month! It did not disappoint!

Firstly it was always going to be a good month as my favourite show Castle returned!

We also settled with Kmart over our bed fire and got to order a new mattress and bedding!

Here are the girls saying good bye to the old mattress...

One last jump!

We've also been taking advantage of the warm weather to work on our circus skills...

...and to play with friends!

I've been super busy sewing Halloween costumes which has been awesome...and I'm looking forward to making some new creations soon!

Other amazing things that happened this month...we got our tax money back...and have ordered a new imac for Andy and ipad for me...I can't believe how fancy I am going to be now!

So now I challenge thee October...time to take it up another notch!


  1. You girls have the best fun! I must go back and find out what happened to the mattress!!! Way to go with the tax monies! Love your blog! Roberta

    1. It was an electric blanket fire back in August:

      Thanks Thouraya


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