Return to Work

So today is my first day back at work after a six month break (if you can call it that!) with Clementine and Amelie....I am only going back part-time (YAH) but this has already started to put a bump in my sewing schedule....I was off to such a great start with all my Christmas projects but I will be doing my best to keep it up at night-time, on the weekends, during my lunch breaks and train trips!
I have made some more progress on the Glinda dresses and hope to finish them in the next few nights! Then onto Clementine's Santa Sack and Rompers....
This is kind of a nothing post but I just wanted to let you know what I have been up to....mostly crazily getting everything sorted out to start back at work...but so far so good!
I can't wait to see the Glinda dress.