2 February 2010 Daily Inspiration

I saw this post on Daydream Lily yesterday stating that 'February is the New January' and I fell in love. For me this is so true. It feels like everything is starting new and fresh this month and I feel that now I can get my head sorted and finally get stuck into everything now that all the travel of the holidays is over!
So February for me is going to be full of new beginnings....
I PROMISE that my work room will be a well organised beauty by the end THIS weekend!
That I will clear out anything unwanted to sell or give to a charity!
I am going to have a SALE of stock that I have in my workroom...
I am going to create the ground work for a new series of photographic work that I have had in mind and begin SHOOTING it!
I am going to print out and organise ALL my photos and organise ALL my visual and travel diaries!
I am going to start printing photos to sell in a new SHOP
I am going to have an AWESOME 3 Month combined GIVEAWAY
I am going to start work on a NEW crafty project
I will finish the baby cardigan I am knitting for the NEW bub
I am going to make THESE pancakes:

Oh wait I just remember February is a really short month!! Oh well I am STILL going to do it....you just wait and see!
PS AND By May EVERY room in my house will be organised, cleaned and clutter free....only the essentials will survive the cull (with me though there are several essentials)
PPS Oh yes and to celebrate these NEW BEGINNINGS the theme for February is going to be FRESH
sounds like somebody's nesting!
ReplyDeleteI've had this feeling for the last 3 months...so I wasn't sure if it was nesting cause it was so early on but I definately want to get everything sorted before the insanity of bub no. 2!!!!! I can foresee being in the haze for a while!
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